So what are Sophie Cachia and Abby Gilmore really like?

When I spotted the Melton Ladies Day event being advertised by Sophie Cachia and Abby Gilmore on Instagram I wanted to know more.
I logged onto the event page and saw that not only were the beautiful Sophie and Abby attending as special guests......the event was also supporting local charity organisation "The Orange Pigeon".
I had never heard of The Orange Pigeon before - so I did what we all do, and googled them. I was touched by what they do for terminally ill adults. I became lost in the stories of granting wishes and with tears in my eyes, I knew I wanted to help in some way.
So I contacted event organiser Morgan Abela and offered to donate one of our booths for the event.
She accepted and we set about organising the photobooth hire for the day.
Upon arrival I was really impressed by the way the club had dressed the room, it was elegant, with black table cloths and balloons, with touches of maroon to pay homage to the footy clubs colours. The superstar team at Bacchus Marsh Florist had organised a gorgeous floral wall, and an exquisite paper, floral garland to dress the stage. The end result was polished and well put together.
Ok so cue Sophie and Abby....

Sophie and Abby wandered into the room just as any other guests would do, there was no arrogance about them, no false pretences, just two normal girls there to support a wonderful cause .
I noticed they were both much taller than I had imagined, definitely 6 foot something, and towering over my 5'3 frame! Even in my enormous 6 inch heels! Both just as stunning and glamorous in in real life as they are on their social media and I'm not going to lie, I am completely jealous of their long legs and athletic builds.
I quite literally knew nobody at the event, and had no allocated seating, so I sheepishly asked if I could sit next to them both on the couch as I had no friends! They laughed and said of course. They hid their thoughts of "who is this loser?" very well.
Whilst waiting to go on stage Sophie spotted a gorgeous baby across from her and set about cooing and making her laugh. I mean, could this woman be any more down to earth?
The girls climbed up on stage and were interviewed by the ladies from Orange Pigeon. Sophie and Abby were so relaxed and real. In a world full of fakes, its so refreshing to see two women who are so unapologetically authentic. You can tell they adore each other and their friendship is real.
Abby and Sophie spoke well and had everyone in the room laughing. Abby talked about how she has recently found herself in pretty shitty situation - separating from long term partner Jake Stringer, with two small children to look after. She thanked Sophie for being such a good friend and talked about how her friends had stepped up to fill the void that was left in her life. ( I cried, not going to lie) I feel as I've entered my thirties (the age where I thought people had their shit together) so many couples around me have separated, so this is something that resonated well with me.
At one point Abby asked Sophie "Why are you such a good friend to me??" Sophie replied "Oh fuck off idiot" They just crack me up!
It's so easy to see why these girls have such a large following, They allow their followers to see the real them and they share their vulnerable moments and don't pretend to be perfect.
Another question from the crowd was " How do you manage your work/life balance?"
To which Sophie opened up about how her husband, Jaryd now stays at home and looks after their two children Bobby and Florence. whilst Sophie is currently super busy launching her clothing brand "Cachia" and kids line "Bobby and Floss". Sophie unashamedly replied that her house is currently a "fucken pigsty, with washing needing to be done from 6 months ago and that she couldn't even find her spanx this morning!"
To a fellow business woman/mother to two small children, this was absolute music to my ears. My husband stayed home with our two children over this weekend whilst I was out promoting our business, and guess what..... my house is trashed, literally I cannot walk a centimetre without stepping on a freakin' lego. (Seriously who bought this lego for Sebastian's birthday?)
This is what happens when people show the real them. Other women are relieved. they feel normal and understood. Like they are not the only ones who simply cannot do it all.

These girls have also both shared their battles with anxiety on their social media, and both have been flooded with gratitude by other women, experiencing similar issues.
As mentioned above, in a world full of fake social media accounts that promote "perfect" lives and filtered faces, its so nice to see real, authentic women, sharing their lives and helping people in the process.

CLICK HERE: if you are interested in hiring our fun photo booth that the girls loved.
Abby's Blog:
Sophie's Website:
Bacchus Marsh Florist: