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What's a fourth birthday party without a unicorn?

This weekend just gone, our gorgeous daughter Annabelle turned 4.

As usual I desperately tried to convince her that Macca's parties are a lot of fun, and she should TOTALLY have a Macca's party like her brother did. Because, as all mum's know - home parties are stressful, time consuming, noisy and hard to clean up after.

But little Arbi, who is much like her mum, knew what she wanted, and she wanted a home party - with a photobooth of course! She also requested a face painter. because she is slightly high maintenance.

Fortunately one of our friends, who we live very close to is a talented face painter, and she created masterpieces on each of the kids faces.

My mum, who can't even draw a stick figure, was completely in awe of Peta's creations. Many people commented that she was the best face painter that they had ever seen.

My kids currently love watching Stampycat Minecraft on Youtube, so Arbi requested a Stampycat cake. Stupidly, I tried to make one after watching a tutorial from a 6 year old. I thought if she could make it so could I! But I was wrong ..... very wrong and the cake failed, and Arbi told her brother that "Mummy sucks" I convinced her we could put Stampycat on the photostrip prints and she reluctantly agreed that would be acceptable. So I had to throw out the idea of gorgeous pink, floral printstrips and instead use a bad graphics, Stampycat.

Like most 4 year old girls, Arbi is a little obsessed with unicorns, and when I saw the majestic Norman on Facebook, I knew i had to surprise her with a little visit from a real, live unicorn (pony with a cone on it's head...sssh don't tell her)

So come party day Norman arrived and Arbi was besotted. As were all the kids in attendance.

Norman was docile and gentle, he didn't even flinch when my two year old nephew gave him a whack!

He gave the kids pony rides, and posed like an absolute pro for photos.

The price was very reasonable, and money very well spent in my opinion. Now the only question is "how do we top this for her fifth birthday?"

NB: Arbi may have chucked a tantrum the next day because "Norman only came for a little bit and I wanted to keep him forever.

She now has a little Norman replica that she sleeps with each night.

We were very happy with both suppliers, and I have included their links below:

Norman the Unicorn:'

Peta's Face Painting

Top 14 Awesome Kids Party Ideas in Geelong


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